Thursday, December 3, 2015

Christmas Eve Comes Early at Historic Schoenbrunn Village

Gather at Historic Schoenbrunn Village in New Philadelphia on Sunday afternoon, December 6, for a traditional, Moravian-style candlelight Lovefeast. Come to the rustic church for this public event beginning at 2:00 p.m. 

With trimmed beeswax candles, Christmas carols, the Nativity Story, hot chocolate and a sweet treat, the service will be a glimpse into the way Moravian Christians have celebrated the Savior's birth since the mid-18th century.

Be sure to dress for the weather as the church building is heated only by the warmth of a wood fire. 

Confirmation class students from area Moravian Churches will serve the candle and Lovefeast. They should arrive no later than 1:30 p.m. to make preparations.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A New Seasonal Devotional Guide

Have you received your copy of the new devotional booklet PEACE: People Embracing Advent, Christmas & Epiphany? Written by folks from our Ohio Moravian congregations, this brand new resource provides a sweet accompaniment to The Moravian Daily Texts from now through January 6.

This booklet is a GIFT to anyone who would like to be blessed by it. Visit any Tuscarawas County Moravian Church and request your copy.

This project is sponsored by the Ohio Moravian Ministries Commission.