Join us for Second Sunday Cinema this coming Sunday evening, November 13, from 6-9 p.m. We will meet downstairs at Schoenbrunn Community Moravian Church where we will turn our attention to The Big Screen and watch a movie together. Afterwards, we'll talk about the themes of faith and spirituality the film introduces.

Licensing restrictions prevent us from publicizing titles, but we can tell you that Sunday night's selection is from 2014 and features Bill Murray and Melissa McCarthy in "a heart-affecting cinematic parable about the saints among us who enable us to come alive in new ways." It is rated PG-13 and tackles mature themes.
Snacks will be available for the cost of your donation. Folding chairs are
provided, but feel free to bring your own lawn chair or chaise lounge if it will add to your comfort.
Bring a friend or 2 or 10! Second Sunday Cinema is part of the Shared Ministry Opportunities being offered cooperatively through the Moravian Churches of Tuscarawas County. All are welcomed. For further information, please speak with your congregation's OMMC representative, or call The Rev. Christine Johnson at 484-894-9077.