Friday, December 9, 2016

On the Second Sunday, Come to the Cinema

Copyright restrictions prevent us from publicizing the name of the movie we'll be showing and discussing at 
2nd Sunday Cinema on 
December 11 from 6 - 9 p.m.,
but feel free to guess the title of a recent release starring Jennifer Gardner as the mother of a critically ill child. A heart-warming, faith-first kind of movie, this little miracle of a film is appropriate for all audiences. 

Shown on the Big Screen at Schoenbrunn Community Moravian Church, the movie will provide the catalyst for a faith-based discussion to follow. Refreshments (probably Christmas cookies!) will be available. Folding chairs are provided, but feel free to bring a lawn chair of your own if you'll be more comfortable.

2nd Sunday Cinema is part of the Shared Ministry Opportunities offered among the 6 Moravian congregations in Tuscarawas County. All are welcomed! Check back for more events in 2017.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Putz: A Christmas Tradition at Sharon Moravian Church

Sharon Moravian Church Putz Showings

December 9 from   7 to 9
December 10 from 7 to 9
December 11 from 2 to 4
December 16 from 7 to 9
December 17 from 7 to 9
December 18 from 2 to 4
December 22 from 7 to 9
December 23 from 7 to 9
December 26 from 7 to 9
December 29 from 7 to 9
December 30 from 7 to 9

The story of Jesus' birth is told through the music, lights and figurines of The Putz, an elaborate scene constructed to share the Good News of Christmas. A Moravian custom stretching back to the 18th century, the term "putz" comes from the German word "putzen," meaning "to decorate."
Sharon Moravian Church carries on The Putz tradition and invites you to one or several free showings of its 2016 presentations.
