Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Brown Bags & Big Ideas: A Possibility Exchange

Pack a lunch and head to Tuscora Park
each summer Monday 
to join up with other Moravians for partnership-building, info-sharing, crowd-sourcing, fellow-shiping conversations around a picnic table. Join in the noon hour "think tank" that's being called
"Brown Bags and Big Ideas." Come to exchange thoughts about faith and life and church and everything.

Beginning on June 1, gatherings will take place between noon and 1:30 p.m. They'll be informal, so feel free to drop-in when you can, and leave when you must.

Pastors Darrell and Chris Johnson will be staking out a location somewhere in the vicinity of the Park Place/Dining Pavilion parking lot. They'll have a Moravian Star banner to mark the spot.

There's no set agenda. We'll have free-flowing discussions about what is working well in our faith journeys, and what might need adjustment. Feel free to bring discussion topics as well as resource recommendations. Most of all, though, just bring yourself!

As with all programs sponsored by the Ohio Moravian Ministries Commission, the goals are simply to strengthen our local ministries and engage in cooperative ministries for the upbuilding of the Body of Christ.

What will these gatherings be like?  Nobody is exactly sure, but let's find out together!

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